Tiffany Trophy

Posted by Admin Thursday, 2 April 2009
While at the American History Museum I not only saw Julia Child's kitchen, per yesterdays post, but I also saw this unusual trophy presented to Willard A. Smith, the administrator for the Transportation exhibitions that were inside the building. It was given to the Smithsonian by his grandson. Made by Tiffany & Co. in honor of his Transportation Building at the 1893 World's Columbus Exhibition in Chicago, the vase celebrates the only forward looking 'modern' building at the fair with a model of the 'golden arch' on the trophy.
Many architects claim the Beaux-Arts designed and influenced campus set American architecture back 50 years (I have to admit though that I LOVE beaux arts design).
Louis Sullivan steered a new course in modern architecture; For this he is known as the 'father of modernism' among architects. He is credited for being the inventor of the skyscraper and was also mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright: probably the most important architect to come out of Chicago or even arguably the United States.Sullivan is the architect who coined the phrase "Form ever follows Function" (form follows function), probably what he is best known for today!
All of this from a little Tiffany vase at the Smithsonian! Many thanks to Bonnie Campbell Lilienfeld, the curator of the artifact walls, for the additional information!