Home Creative Design Interior-Enhancing Living Rooms

Posted by Admin Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Home creative design interior back to shower you guys with another dose of interior design infused creativity brought to you by a few great designers. There is nothing more refreshing than seeing really cool spaces where everything just seem to fall in place. While each room has a psychological value, we know one of them will capture your mood precisely so enjoy and let us hear about your favorite accessory, concept or style…

This particular green has a restful effect without making you fall asleep.

Simply white and wood tones give a tailored look but organic feel. Designed by Fernando di Gasperi

Sophisticated and sexy living room by Virgo Oktaviano
A fun colorful and eclectic living space by Ertug Yenidemir
This yellow room will cheer you right up! Cool design by Miguel Angel
The chocolates ground you and encourage relaxation in this loft space by Franco Geraci
